Community of Photographers

Join the Community of Passionate Photographers

Ever-expanding friends who consistently post their photos are the example and stimulus for many other photographers who seek inspiration and comparison.

Pixel Photo Magazine
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Users from 01/01/25

About The Brand

The Project

The Pixel Photo Magazine project comes to life in a unique context, where the restrictions of the Covid-19 pandemic, although harsh, become fertile ground for an idea that unites and creates bonds. In 2019, a period of forced isolation, the world seems to slow down, but, paradoxically, it is precisely in this silence that the deepest reflections are born. The frenzy of everyday life, the endless races, the uncertainties of the future: everything seems to stop, but at the same time this void invites us to reflect. And so, many of us begin to look inside ourselves, to rediscover dormant passions and desires, seeking new ways to connect, to discover ourselves and to be part of something bigger.

In this moment of collective introspection, technology, which had separated us physically, becomes a tool to break down emotional and social distances. It is in this new virtual dimension that the Pixel Photo Magazine Facebook group takes shape. The call of photography, an art that has always united people through images and narration, makes its way through the pages of a social network and becomes the starting point for the creation of a space for sharing. The idea is simple, but ambitious: to create a community in which every individual, regardless of their origin or culture, can tell their story through the art of photography.

The first members are not long in coming. The group members grow quickly, attracted by the desire to share and creative exploration. But, as often happens when a project has the strength to expand, the group begins to feel the need for a further step, a more solid structure, which can enhance individual talents and give them a visible space in the world. Thus was born the idea of ​​transforming the group into an online magazine, a virtual place that not only collects photographs, but elevates them, giving each artist the opportunity to emerge and be seen by a wider audience. The creation of a website, then, becomes the engine that supports and spreads the message of the project, giving life to a real interactive and dynamic platform.

The next step is the creation of an event that brings the vision of the project to reality: the Visio Mentis exhibition, which collects the images, stories and emotions of the group members, with a focus on the power of the image as a tool for reflection and change. The exhibition is not just an artistic showcase, but a meeting point, a way to celebrate the beauty of diversity and the power of sharing.

Today, the Pixel Photo Magazine project is a constantly evolving reality. Every day, new talents emerge and the network expands. What began as a small virtual group has taken hold as a real global community that continues to grow, with the hope of continuing to make photography not only an art, but a means to unite people, make them reflect and make them feel part of something that goes beyond the individual. And while the network develops and enriches itself, the motto remains unchanged: everything else is “In Progress”. The beauty of a project in constant evolution, in which every step is an opportunity to discover new horizons and new possibilities.

Marcello Pitardi

In 1984, during a period of work transition, Marcello discovered photography. His passion for this visual art was born while frequenting the photography studio of a dear friend who is a publicist. The magic of analog photography, in particular the process of developing images, fascinated him deeply. His curiosity pushed him to explore visual languages, in continuous evolution, and to approach photography as a way of telling stories. This passion transformed him into a dreamer, always in search of reality and understanding its evolutionary processes. For him, photography became not only a language, but a way of approaching life, a way of telling stories and emotions that leave subtle traces of themselves. Each shot is a fragment of life, a visual expression of emotions captured over time, impressed and perceived by the user. His artistic vision materializes in the desire to free himself from predefined patterns to give space to emotions and creativity. Each shot becomes a fragment of life, an expression of emotions captured over time and perceived by the user. For Marcello, photography is not only technique, but also an emotional language, a way of communicating what he feels and experiences. Each photograph becomes a means to tell his story, to guide the viewer to recognize in his own experience what is shown, allowing the mind to tell its story through images. His creations speak, observe us, and like every shot, they leave an indelible mark over time.

Chief Editor Pixel Photo Magazine
Exhibition CuratorVisio Mentis”

StylistVisio Mentis”

Nancy Casamento

Nancy Casamento was born in Cairo, Egypt, a land surrounded by the age-old charm of its pyramids, temples and timeless legends. Between the warm colors of the sunset on the Nile and the distant sounds of market voices, she grew up immersed in a world that mixes tradition and modernity, where every corner tells stories that range from the ancient to the mysterious. In this magical land, where the border between myth and reality seems to dissolve into the air, Nancy finds the first artistic inspirations that will mark her path. Since she was a child, her life has been marked by the sound of scissors cutting fabric and the rustle of needles expertly sewing fine fabrics. She grew up in a family of tailors, where the art of fashion is not just a profession, but a legacy passed down from generation to generation. Nancy watches with admiration as her grandfather, father and mother, with dedication and passion, shape fabrics into creations that tell stories. Her curiosity and creative spirit soon emerge, fueling the desire to transform her love of fashion into a true vocation. Over the years, Nancy hones her skills, perfecting her knowledge, but always maintaining a deep connection with the roots of tailoring tradition. Her innovative spirit and eye for detail lead her to develop an idea of ​​fashion that is both modern and elegant, sensual and sophisticated. After gaining experience and developing an ever-growing love for design, she decided to move to Lamezia Terme, where her art met a new dimension. In this small town in southern Italy, her vision took shape: timeless elegance, clean lines, precious fabrics that gracefully envelop the body, creating clothes that celebrate femininity in all its power and sophistication. Nancy is not just a designer, she is a true innovator who constantly challenges the boundaries of fashion. Each of her creations is a work of art that comes from an inner need to express beauty and personality through fabric. Her creativity knows no limits: each dress that leaves her laboratory is the result of continuous research and a drive to surpass herself, always finding new inspiration in the places she visits, in the people she meets, in the emotions that life gives her. Today, Nancy is a woman, a mother, a fashion artist who has won the hearts of many women, who find in her clothes a way to feel unique, elegant and self-confident. Each of her creations is a tribute to the beauty of femininity, a meeting between ancient sartorial wisdom and the vision of a future that never ceases to surprise. Her ability to always remain faithful to her passion and to continually project herself towards new challenges makes her an inspiration for anyone who believes that fashion can be a language to tell their own story.

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What They Say About Us

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Roberto Rampinelli‎

Organizzazione perfetta, bella anche la brochure che accompagna l’evento. Tuute le foto espste raggiungono l’anima dello spettatore evocando emozioni uniche ed intense. Grazie Marcello Pitardi per avermi coinvolto in questa fantastica esibizione.

Roberto Rampinelli‎

Photographer - Italy
Marie Lauff

Un événement qui a apporté du prestige aux émotions. Je crois que l’organisation de l’événement a été impeccable dans les moindres détails. Je serai également heureux d’être présent à vos événements à l’avenir.

Marie Lauff

Photographer - France
Marco Bertazzoni

Una collaborazione perfetta per tutto ciò che riguarda l’evento. Grazie per la professionalità adottata. Spero di avere il piacere di collaborare ancora con voi in futuro.

Marco Bertazzoni

Photographer - Swiss
Lance Chennault

Ich habe die Einweihung live auf Facebook verfolgt: Es war fantastisch! Ich hoffe wirklich, bei den nächsten Pixel Photo Magazine-Events dabei sein zu können.

Lance Chennault

Photographer - Germany
Jan Noszczyk

Międzynarodowa wystawa, która dała wyraz emocjom. Cieszę się, że mogłem być jej częścią i mam nadzieję, że będę mógł współpracować z wami ponownie w przyszłości.

Jan Noszczyk

Photographer - Poland
Giuseppe Simone

Ottima la selezione degli artisti presenti. Impeccabile l’organizzazione di tutto l’evento. Grazie per avrmi dato la possibilità di essere presente con le mie foto.

Giuseppe Simone

Photographer - Italy
Francesca Papaianni

Apprezzo molto l’organizzazione e la location in cui si è svolto l’evento. Grazie mille, avete messo in evidenza il lavoro di tutti i fotografi in modo davvero egragio!

Francesca Papaianni

Photographer - Italy
Danilo De Rosa

Ho partecipato alla mostra Visio Mentis organizzata da Marcello Pitardi. Devo complimentarmi con Marcello che è riuscito a far emergere emozioni e peculiarità differenti dagli stili ed i generi di ogni partecipante. Mi ha colpito molto la stampa delle opere stampate ad un ottima risoluzione e qualità oltre al loro formato che, assieme alla bravura ed alla miscellanea dei generi, hanno dato gran valore al tutto.

Danilo De Rosa

Photographer - Italy
Belinda Vermeulen

I appreciate the great selection of photos. Thank you for allowing me to get this great exposure.

Belinda Vermeulen

Photographer - South Africa
Anna Lisi

L’arte della fotografia raggiunge un altro livello. Sono felice di aver partecipato alla vostra mostra e collaborare con il vostro team!

Anna Lisi

Photographer - Italy