Audrius Balcetis
Vilnius – Lituania
Audrius Balčėtis is a photographer living in Vilnius, Lithuania. A member of the Association of Lithuanian Photographers, he discovered that he was a photographer at the age of 15, although initially he was more into painting. He graduated from an art school with honours, but unfortunately the practical nature of his family led him to specialise in engineering and his knowledge of colours and painting only proved useful in the creation of a few paintings at the age of 20. In his late 30s, he met a philosopher who made him realise that photography is philosophy. In his early 40s, he completed a master’s degree in philosophy. His knowledge of hydraulic engineering and his interest in photography culminated in his ‘Water Road’ project, an ever-growing collection of aqueducts located all over the world. Another major theme is street photography in which he strives to capture images in which he reveals the humanity of architecture.
The Project
When we want to go from one place to another, we almost never have the time or space to see the route we are taking. Paths, roads, stairs: these everyday events go unnoticed, missing things that only serve a purpose we have set from the beginning. Just as when we look through a window we miss the window itself, when we travel we easily miss the road we are on. Street photography freezes these everyday moments and helps us get rid of our prejudices about ordinary scenes. The photographic collection ‘Stairs’ is dedicated to the stairs in cities which, when observed, prove to be more than a means to reach one place or another.