Danilo De Rosa
Roma – Italy
Born in Avellino but brought up in Naples, he approached the world of photography with the advent of digital, collaborating both in Italy and abroad with various photographic studios as a ‘Photoeditor’ and later as a photographer on GNV ferries. He has taken part in two ‘masters’ courses on photography. His passion for photography led him to participate in several photo exhibitions and workshops.
The Project
Inner frost
In December 2019 in the city of Wuhan in China, a pneumonia of unknown cause grows rampant and spreads rapidly around the world. On 7 March 2020, a lockdown is issued in the country to contain the contagion. People are forced to stay indoors and the streets become deserted. Outside the balconies, people chant chants of solidarity for lost freedom. Behind the windows, hours are spent observing the empty streets that once teemed with life, and the habits of yesteryear remain mere thoughts that assail the mind, leaving anxiety and fears in everyone.