Roberto Raineri
Meda – Italy
A little less than 3 years ago, given his family situation, he tried to cultivate hobbies that could help him better cope with everyday life. He decided to take part in a basic course at the ACLI Photographic Club in Meda, later joining it and discovering the wonderful world of photography that helped him overcome everything. Fortunately, he still works in the environmental remediation sector, an activity that allows him to travel a lot, trips that he always faces in the company of his camera. All his free time, weather and light permitting, he dedicates to photography. He photographs everything that gives him visual emotion, in particular he prefers street, landscape and abstract, as well as experimenting, preferring black and white images. In addition to taking and looking at his photos, he loves looking at everyone’s photos. A passion that undoubtedly helps him improve his eye for subject, object and light.
The Project
I travel for light.
With photography I learned to live by looking at the world around me, to appreciate and judge (subjectively) everything, the beautiful and the ugly. At first I only photograph places seen from my point of view, then, little by little, I began to love the lights, the shadows and then the people, all preferably in black and white. With these images I try to represent how I live the moments, the suggestiveness that the places and environments create for me, therefore my constant search for the same emphasized by the light and preferably with the presence of a human figure to make the moment alive.