Ulbe Spaans
s-Gravenzande – Netherlands
Born in the fishing village of Scheveningen, he has a passion for coastal photography. The vastness, the changing conditions and the tides make these subjects extremely attractive to Ulbe. The Netherlands does not have rocky coasts, cliffs or mountains but it does have another resource: beautiful light. In his shots he tries to capture light and bend it to his will. Photography thus becomes a game between time and light, always following the motto “less is more”. In his coastal photos he seeks stillness and emptiness as a counterpoint to the daily frenzy. – A photo is not a copy of reality. I create my own reality. – (Ulbe Spaans)
The Project
Photography has the ability to manipulate time with light and movement. In this exhibition I explore these possibilities. The movement of the waves or the air can be “frozen” but this is not what I want from my shots: details and sharpness are secondary. By letting go of these elements I try to create an abstract dreamlike image. Playing with intentional movement and choosing long exposure times, I try to give light a different dimension. Dream images perceived by looking at the sea.